drinking this for years #video

I’ve been drinking this celery drink for years. #notceleryjuice

Click & watch the video above to learn:

  • why I do this
  • how I do it, and
  • if it has helped my skin.

INGREDIENTS (2 days serving):

  • 450g pre-washed & cut frozen celery
  • 1 L filtered water
  • 350 mL hot boiled water


  1. Add frozen celery, filtered water then hot water into a blender.
  2. Blend for 60 seconds, or until your desired consistency.
  3. Pour the drink in to 2 jugs – a jug a day.
    Note: Celery fiber naturally rises to the top, so pour the fiber top portion equally first. Then the non-fiber part – see video to see what I mean.
  4. Store it in the fridge. Consumer within 2 days. Maximum 3 days.


  • You can use fresh celery in place of frozen. If so, substitute hot boiled water with filtered water.
  • The consistency of the drink depends on the blender type. I use high powered blender now. But in the past when I used a personal sized blender such as a Nutribullet, I had to break this down into batches to blend.
    Also, the drink was a bit more fiberous than in the video. In those cases, you could increase the amount of water, or reduce the amount of celery and then adjust gradually to your liking.